
The cluster configuration map has the following configuration options:



Interface where the gateway will listen for incoming route connections.


Port where the gateway will listen for incoming route connections.


Name of the cluster (recommended for NATS +v2.2)


Combines host and port as <host>:<port>.


advertise or cluster_advertise

Hostport <host>:<port> to advertise how this server can be contacted by other cluster members. This is useful in setups with NAT. When using TLS this is important to set to control the hostname that clients will use when discovering the route since by default this will be an IP, otherwise TLS hostname verification may fail with an IP SANs error.


When set to 'true', the server will not send or gossip its client URLs to other servers in the cluster and will not tell its client about the other servers' client URLs.


A list of other servers (URLs) to cluster with. Self-routes are ignored. Should authentication via token or username/password be required, specify them as part of the URL.


After how many failed connect attempts to give up establishing a connection to a discovered route. Default is 0, do not retry. When enabled, attempts will be made once a second. This, does not apply to explicitly configured routes.


cluster {
  name: example

  # host/port for inbound route connections from other server
  listen: localhost:4244

  # Authorization for route connections
  # Other server can connect if they supply the credentials listed here
  # This server will connect to discovered routes using this user
  authorization {
    user: route_user
    password: pwd
    timeout: 0.5

  # This server establishes routes with these server.
  # This server solicits new routes and Routes are actively solicited and connected to from this server.
  # Other servers can connect to us if they supply the correct credentials
  # in their routes definitions from above.
  routes = [
